Mo-Kan Chapter

Choose dues by month joined Aug-Jan

Mo-Kan Chapter annual dues are $60 per year payable in August - that's only $5 per month!

New Members: Dues are pro-rated pending the month you joined - see the dropdowns below and choose your first dues in the month you joined and submit with easy credit card or PayPal!

ABWA Mo-Kan Executive Board of Directors (August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025)



SECRETARY - Carol Brown

TREASURER - Karen Cain

Questions for us? Feel free to email

The America Business Women's Association is a 501(c)(6) organization whose Mission Statement is to "bring together businesswomen of diverse occupations and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves and others grow personally and professionally through leadership, education, networking support, and national recognition".

The Mo-Kan Chapter's vision is to be the group of choice for women in the Kansas City area, as an empowering organization where we grow leaders, enhance our learning, and provide educational opportunities.

Choose dues by month joined Feb-July

About Us